Prairie Road Riders Chapter of EWMA

Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association, Minnkota Region


March Social
Leonard Woelfel | 3/27/2024

 Sunday, March 17 we (Leonard/Marilyn, Randy/Jan, Jim, Rick and grandson Aiden) met at St James Golf Course for brunch. The meal was fresh, hot and tasty.    Leonard updated everyone on the upcoming events in our district. First and foremost April 27th Is the MinnKota District Spring Ops meeting at the EverSpring Inn in Marshall where our district rally will be held in July. Jenny needs RSVP’s for anyone attending the meeting by April 19th  Leonard passed out fliers from MTS – Motorcycle Towing Services – road assistance for motorcycles since 1988 but motorcycles only.    Dry Riders were at the same hotel as the MID- Winter Meltdown and they invited everyone to their events, 1st one May 12th, mother’s day, Ice Cream at Sturgis Park Buffalo MN. Hot Dogs $1 and ice cream a free will offering.   Check out the website calendar for EWMA rides, socials and events. 

Next social April 28, 11:00 at Pub 500, 500 South Front St. Mankato
