Prairie Road Riders Chapter of EWMA

Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association, Minnkota Region


Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association (EWMA), Prairie Road Riders Chapter, covering the parts of southcentral to southwestern border of Minnesota.
We would like to invite you and your family to join us for some fun and motorcycle riding. The Chapter has its monthly Social the fourth Sunday of each month, except for December.  Location and time of socials will be posted on the Events page. We also have spontaneous rides with pick up points depending on the way we are traveling. Watch the Events page for last minute rides. A link is available for EWMA membership info or to join EWMA on the Links page. After joining EWMA, go to the registration page to create an account on this site.

Have a question? Please contact the chapter director Leonard and Marilyn Woelfel, or the webmaster Jim Rivord with any and all questions.

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Minnkota District

Chapter C Logo

Upcoming Events

Chapter C fundraiser 6/29/2025 Hermann Heights Park

Recent Blog Posts

Gemutlichkeit in New Ulm   Leonard Woelfel | 7/4/2024

Our fundraiser June 30 was a success! 50 people were in attendance and arrived by 2-4 wheels (25 motorcycles). Conversations were continuous in the shelter and out with people catching up with their friends and/or meeting new ones. The weather was glorious, donated raffle prizes, gift cards were ...Click the title for the full post

May social Niesen's St Peter   Leonard Woelfel | 5/24/2024

Turn out was great for a Wednesday evening. Even remembered to take a photo (see photos) – what a good group! We would like to thank Dean for joining us. I gave an update on Chapter Q’s Round Up which was a good time and great food but we did not bring home any winnings from the 50/50. We had not...Click the title for the full post

April showers social   Leonard Woelfel | 4/29/2024

    We had a great turnout at our April social at Pub 500 April showers and all. To cap it all: Discussion on the forthcoming events; May 4th Starr Cycle Open House, May 3/4 Moon Motors Open House, May 12 Dry Riders group meeting for ice cream social at Buffalo, ...Click the title for the full post

March Social   Leonard Woelfel | 3/27/2024

 Sunday, March 17 we (Leonard/Marilyn, Randy/Jan, Jim, Rick and grandson Aiden) met at St James Golf Course for brunch. The meal was fresh, hot and tasty.    Leonard updated everyone on the upcoming events in our district. First and foremost April 27th Is the MinnKota District Spri...Click the title for the full post

Today's social   Leonard Woelfel | 2/18/2024
2/18/24 We had a great time and brunch at the Green Mill in New Ulm. Attended was Randy/Jan, Jim, Roger, Bruce/Colette and us. Lots of conversation about the coming summer, Roger had found a train ride which leaves from Osceola WI to St Croix. Ride is approx 1 1/2 hour round trip. Opt. Pizza served ...Click the title for the full post
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