Prairie Road Riders Chapter of EWMA

Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association, Minnkota Region


May social Niesen's St Peter
Leonard Woelfel | 5/24/2024

Turn out was great for a Wednesday evening. Even remembered to take a photo (see photos) – what a good group! We would like to thank Dean for joining us. I gave an update on Chapter Q’s Round Up which was a good time and great food but we did not bring home any winnings from the 50/50. We had not seen many of the faces through the winter months so it was good to catch up.

I went briefly over the events which are listed on the main calendar. Part of which is our own fundraiser June 30th. Colette is able to cook again this year – THANK YOU! Along with Rick and Randy doing the brauts and salad from the ladies (I’m assuming). We again will have baskets to raffle (so any donated items appreciated), 50/50 and swap table. Bring the items you wish to sell(with your name and $) or give away. You will be responsible for handling the sale and picking up leftover merchandise.

Jim mentioned the Legion Riders out of New Ulm are having their ride and supper on Sat May 25th. Call Jim if more info wanted. Also he had brought a flyer last social regarding MS River Road Run Aug 17-18 – visit for more info.

Wabasso RoadHouse Bar and Grill is starting their Roll-in’s again every Tuesday at 5pm. Shoot an email with date’s that work for you.  

It was also decided to renew our CPR/MFA so this later this summer we will discuss dates.

After our fundraiser there is our MinnKota District Rally on July 12-13 in Marshall so check out the schedule and register online. We’ll see you there!
