Prairie Road Riders Chapter of EWMA

Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association, Minnkota Region


Gemutlichkeit in New Ulm
Leonard Woelfel | 7/4/2024

Our fundraiser June 30 was a success! 50 people were in attendance and arrived by 2-4 wheels (25 motorcycles). Conversations were continuous in the shelter and out with people catching up with their friends and/or meeting new ones. The weather was glorious, donated raffle prizes, gift cards were worth winning and the meal was tasty. People raved about the brauts, german potatoes and salads and also commented on the parking since they had last been there. Have updated the photos so take a look and also Bob F has downloaded 50+ photos on facebook. Thank you all for pitching in. Mark your calendar for June 29, same place and time!

Our next event is the MN district rally July 11-13 in Marshall. Rick and Jenny have put a lot of planning into the event. It’s not too late to make plans to come. And you can even help out with the baseball bean bag toss game! 

We are planning on heading to Wabasso on July 16 for the Road House Ride in (weather permitting). I will text you as far as meeting and departure time.

Social – July 28. Time to head west again to St James golf course 5pm unless other suggestions.  
